Alessio Motta
Alessio Motta

Born in 1991, Alessio Motta grew up in Gassino Torinese a little town close to Torino. His first artistic formation started with theater and street dance at the "Magdaleine G cultural and sport association"; at the same time he was training his body in other disciplines such as Tae Kwon Do,Capoeira and parkour.

Scuola di Cirko Vertigo in Torino host him for training for two years in dance-acrobatics and Chinese Pole mainly. Afterwards, with the same disciplines, he completed the Bachelor Circus program at the University of Dance and circus in Stockholm (DOCH, Dans och cirkushögskolan).

His obsession for the street dance quality of movements brought him into the community in Stockholm where he met other people passionate as him about hybrids. The cultural element present in street dance and other forms of folk dances have been the main influences and source of inspiration for his work. The main joy that he take from performing is to see the audience slowly starting to dance with him.
He has been working in Egypt, Scotland, Sweden, France, Spain, Estonia, Brasil and he looks forward to increase the number of countries that will host him.

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